Damage Equation

From Project Nomads Unofficial Wiki
Revision as of 09:39, 13 June 2022 by Vinceh121 (talk | contribs)

To know how much damage an attacker (guntower, aircraft, ...) will do to a victim entity, you need to know the attacker's damage and damage type, the victim's armor against this damage type and your framerate[1].

Damage Type

Project Nomads uses two damage types:

  • coll: used for collisions
  • fire: catch-all type for any attack, explosion, skrit cloud, etc...

At the current moment, this wiki only lists "fire" type armor/damage for buildings.


Let be the attacker's damage of any type.
Let be the victim's armor against the same type of damage.
Let be your game's framerate. Typically it is your monitor's refresh rate.
Let be your game's delta frame time, as .

Then, let be the victim's dealt damage.

For example, a level 3 John Guntower shooting one "fire" bullet at a John Navigation Tower with a damage of , with a "fire" armor of , and a framerate of 60fps:
Thus, damage will be dealt to the John Navigation Tower.

  1. TODO: Check fps' relation in multiplayer