Story Book

From Project Nomads Unofficial Wiki
Revision as of 04:55, 29 January 2023 by Vinceh121 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The story of the game is organized in 4 chapters. Each chapter contains multiple parts. Each part can be considered a single map. Chapters do not have titles, but parts do, and can be seen when pressing the Show Objective key (F2 by default). = Chapter 0 = This chapter only contains a single part, responsible for the intro and tutorial. {| class="wikitable" ! Index !! Part title !! Note |- | 1 || The Old Master Builder |} = Chapter 1 = {| class="wikitable" ! Ind...")
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The story of the game is organized in 4 chapters. Each chapter contains multiple parts. Each part can be considered a single map. Chapters do not have titles, but parts do, and can be seen when pressing the Show Objective key (F2 by default).

Chapter 0

This chapter only contains a single part, responsible for the intro and tutorial.

Index Part title Note
1 The Old Master Builder

Chapter 1

Index Part title Note
0 The Grey Market
1 The Pirates' Ravine
2 The Forgotten World
3 The Attack of the Sentinels
4 After the Storm
5 The Athanor

Chapter 2

Index Part title Note
1 The Grey Market
2 The Island Port
3 The Base
4 The Vortex
5 The Store of Artifacts
6 The Sentinels' Fleet
7 The Cloud Gate Only used for a cutscene. The objective is impossible to see in-game and reads "Lean back and relax :)"
8 The Sea of Clouds
9 The Master Builders

Chapter 2

Part 6 is unused and is missing an objective file, so no name can be determined.

Index Part title Note
0a The Battle begins
0b The Battle begins
1 The Battle begins
2 Fighting a Losing Battle
3 The Lady Master Builder
4 The Refuge
5 Mare Lacrimae
7 The Escort
8 The City of Machines
9 Shock Wave Only used for a cutscene. No objective, other than the part's title, is specified.

Chapter 4

The first 5 parts of this chapter are unused and do not have objective files. In a comment of the file declaring this chapter, it is written in German "18.6.2002 chapter 4 is now shorter due to lack of time".

Index Part title Note
6 The Queen's lair
7 The Queen
8 The Victory Celebration Only used for the final cutscene. No objective is specified.