Help:Writing Guntower pages

From Project Nomads Unofficial Wiki

Guntower pages are to use the Template:Guntower infobox template

Getting infobox information from game files[edit source]

Using nebula2-assets-extractor[edit source]

Using the wikibox subcommand with boxes GUNTOWER_MACHINEGUN and GUNTOWER_FIREMISSILE

Machine Guns[edit source]

Guntowers are defined in the data(1).npk files.

At the root of each Guntower prototype, the vhcl property of type nfactory contains most of the information needed.

Energy cost[edit source]


Build time[edit source]

.gettimeout of vhcl.bauphase.statewatch

Search for "flakbuildingwatch_bauphase"

Health[edit source]


Damage[edit source]

turret.vhcl.normal.gun.getdamage Note that this is a different vhcl!

Guns[edit source]

First int argument of turret.vhcl.normal.gun.beginbarrels

Rate[edit source]


Missile[edit source]

Energy cost[edit source]


Build time[edit source]

.gettimeout of vhcl.bauphase.statewatch

Search for "flakbuildingwatch_bauphase"

Health[edit source]


Damage[edit source]

weapon.vhcl.explode.explo.getenergy Note that this is a different vhcl!

Guns[edit source]

Count of calls to "addweapon" in turret.vhcl.normal.weapon

Delay[edit source]


Missile speed[edit source]
